Montag, 2. Juni 2014

The League of Legends Community is better than you think! Yay !!

Hey folks ! We all know that League of Legends is full of Ragers, AFKs, Trolls, toxic Players and they are the only reason why we are stuck in a low Division although we deserve to be much higher, at least Platinum oder lower Diamond! Right ?

To substantiate this holy truth i started a small test: starting at Silver V i began to write down the number of AFKs, Ragequiters, Flamers, Trolls and Feeders for every game i played until reaching Gold. There was only one rule: Never start a flame yourself or be part of a negative morale (and obviously never afk, ragequit or troll yourself). Also it had to be the first time through that tier and not on a smurf or the like.

It took me exactly 214 games. Hmmmm btw, does that sound like a lot of games ? Is it just because i main Support or because i am a slow learner ? :D

Long story short, here are the results:

First of all: The League of Legends Community is by far better than its reputation !

1.4 % of games had AFKs on our team and exactly the same value for the enemy team.
1.4 % of games had Ragequitters on our team.
6.4 % of games had Trolls/Feeders on our team.
9.0 % of games had Flamers/Toxic Players on our team.

15.0 % of games had either AFKs, Ragequitters, Trolls/Feeders or Flamers/Toxic Players on our team. Almost all of these games ( 14.0 % ) were lost.

6 out of 214 games had AFKs , 3 on our team and 3 on the enemy team. Thats nothing ! They were also spread equally on both teams! Promo games had not a higher number of AFKs than non promo games. Fortunately in my case there was not a single AFK in any promo ( 0 out of 30 promos).

9% of games had Flamers.  Thats less than one out of ten games. Pretty good i would say. And Flamers don't even mean a lost game! Actually that surprised me the most. You can enjoy 9 out of 10 games without any flaming! I am pretty sure the main reason for this was the rule i set for the test: Never start a flame or be part of a negative morale.

I would say, the main problem for a toxic game is not the flamer himself but the team-members that reinforce a flame. So if you should complain constantly about Flamers or toxic players, then you might be the problem. Its hard sometimes to stay unaffected, especially when you are stuck for a longer period of time or just on a losing streak. But overcoming this and not being part of any bad morale will make the game so much more enjoyable, friendly and funny.

In the end, its solely your choice how you want to spend the time that you put into LoL: as a positive, enjoyable experience or a negative, exhausting one! Both is possible !

Btw the most won games were around 2 p.m. ( 72 % ) and 19 p.m ( 86 % )  !
The most lost games were around 18 p.m. ( 38 % ) and 23 p.m. ( 42 % ) .
Notice how 18 and 19 p.m. are so close to each other! :-)

Biggest winning streak: 11 games.
Biggest losing streak: 5 games.

Games in Silver V: 24
Games in Silver IV: 63
Games in Silver III: 15
Games in Silver II: 42
Games in Silver I: 70

The number of games and the Division you are stuck in depends most likely on the knowledge & skill you are missing and how long you need to realize what exactly you are missing. ;)

No animals were harmed during the test.

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